Saturday, February 9, 2013

LVMQG Mini Quilt Swap - Improv Chevron

Our guild swapped fat quarters at a meeting to use as inspiration for a mini-quilt.  The fabric I got was from Jenean Morrison's Silent Cinema line called Gray Featurette.  It's the gray print/border in the below mini-quilt.

Included with the fabric was a note that she liked 'Jewel Tones'.  I really had no idea what to do with it until some teal and gold fabric fell on my sewing room floor next to each other on accident.  I pulled a bunch of fabrics and went for the improv chevron block (Tutorial over on Six White Horses blog).   I actually meant to have more of the gray fabric showing, but after I finished piecing a couple of the strips, this is where my trimming landed it.

I put the remaining fabric on the back with a cute little strip of Kona berry on the binding.  The photo looks maroon but I can assure you that's just my bad photography and it's really a berry color.

I hand bound the edges and added a little white piece of ribbon for hanging:

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